Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Ninja Zombies Return to Mark Twain Museum

Over the past few weeks we’ve had a couple of small, private test screenings that have given us some great feedback and the film has improved a lot already!

For our last test screening before we lock picture, the good people at the Mark Twain House and Museum have been kind enough to invite us back! We’re counting on everyone’s feedback to make this movie as good as it can be. Here is what they have to say about the event:

“The Mark Twain House & Museum reanimates a lifeless Saturday night in Hartford with an evening of undead laughs and ninja action. Connecticut filmmakers have asked MTH&M to unearth a rough cut screening of their new “bromaction-comedy” NINJA ZOMBIES. This work-in-progress charts the adventures of a group of nerds who must do battle with beer-soaked buddies and blood-spattered ninja zombies. Sequences of the film were shot at …the legendary Troma Studios in New York!

Back in October as part of our “Mark Twain & The Army of Darkness” zombie author event, we screened a portion of the movie and are delighted to offer the filmmakers the opportunity to share their (almost) completed movie with you. The rough cut screening will be followed by a Q&A with Director Noah Cooper, Producer Michael Castro, Director of Photography Michal Trzaska, plus members of the cast.


For reservations, call (860) 280-3130″

Time :
Saturday, March 26 · 7:30pm – 9:30pm
The Mark Twain Museum Center
351 Farmington Avenue
Hartford, CT

Please come help us out and bring all your friends and family! It’s sure to be a great time and all proceeds go towards the museum and towards our film festival entry fees!

Here’s a link to RSVP on Facebook

Monday, March 7, 2011

Ninja Zombies in the Brainpan

When I go to sleep I have dreams where I am sitting at my desk editing Ninja Zombies. Seriously. I had two completely separate dreams about it just last night. What’s sad is that I wake up disappointed at all the progress that didn’t actually happen.

Over the weekend I had a test screening at my place and producer Mike Castro had one at his place. Thanks to everyone who watched and provided feedback! It’s going to be very helpful! Especially when it comes to the scenes that were a bit too long / short and the bits that were confusing. Those are things we can totally fix! Slowly but surely, we are getting there…